Wilsonville's Planning Documents
The City has many long-range plans that clearly identify needs, outline future connections, and plan for specific actions to improve connections within the community. All of these long-range plans share a vision of a community connected by sidewalks, bikeways, and trails. These plans include:
2013 Transportation System Plan (TSP)
2008 Transit Master Plan
2006 Bicycle, and Pedestrian Master Plan
2007 Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Other relevant links
Local, Regional, and National Government Resources
Walk SMART (South Metro Area Regional Transit)
Metro Active Transportation Program
Metro Regional Active Transportation Plan
ODOT Active Transportation Section
US Department of Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs
Local Non-Governmental Organizations
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
National Non-Governmental Organizations
The League of American Bicyclists
Benefits of Active Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Pedestrian Safety Resources